Addicted Employee – Alcohol At Work

Alcohol at work – this cannot be hidden. It is impossible to hide addiction to alcohol. At the initial stage, the disease is not so noticeable. But if left untreated, addiction often ends in the drama of losing your job.
Work is one of the most important areas of our life, often for several dozen years we spend one third of a day there. Thus, it is not possible for a developing, untreated addiction to, for example, alcohol to remain unaffected by working life. It is important to remember that the destruction often occurs gradually, in the beginning it is almost imperceptible both to the environment of the alcohol or drug abusing person and to himself / herself.
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Warning Signals
A good observer will surely notice the warning signs of his colleague, who recently happens to be talking more and more often about parties, parties, barbecues, trips, meetings with friends or discos, where he got so drunk that he does not remember coming home.
The same colleague can look for a companion at work almost every day, to go to the bar after hours for a beer, or for one, to de-stress, relax, or to buy a car, TV, finish renovation, etc. If such a colleague is a manager or foreman , he may have a rather loose attitude to the issue of drinking at work, organizing name days by employees or other celebrations heavily sprinkled with alcohol.
During this period, the way of drinking very rarely directly influences the work performed, but over time our employee or co-worker, despite the fact that a great specialist, begins to be less and less involved in work, looks for an opportunity to leave early, is distracted, and it becomes more and more difficult to rely on him due to the fact that he is a great specialist. unpredictability – and this will take a vacation on demand, and this will call that he is sick , and this will remember that he has a few overtime hours and has to choose it today, i.e. on Monday morning, often comes back more exhausted after the vacation than before he went on to him.
After some time, the first admonitions of superiors and complaints of colleagues appear, who are getting fed up with covering up a colleague who more and more often reeks of not fully digested alcohol. First, employees make sure that he performs less responsible tasks, then the supervisor moves him to a position that is obviously a degradation in the company’s structure, and finally he dismisses him from work, unable to tolerate another unexcused absence or a disturbing alcohol test result.
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Drunken Thinking
How is it that everyone sees the alcohol problem other than the person with it? The mechanisms of the disease that change the way the addict thinks and feels are to blame. The effect is that she tends to self-destruct – she continues to drink, despite the obvious evidence that drinking is destroying her life. An addicted person lives in a world of his own illusions and ideas about how he / she drinks, such seeing reality is often called drunk thinking.
The alcoholic does not acknowledge that the consequences of abuse are as severe as the environment presents them – they still deny or minimize them. It even happens that, against all logic, he blames other people for his drinking and for work failures, which he does not associate with alcohol abuse in any way.