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Peanut Butter Health Benefits & Nutrition

Peanut Butter Health Benefits & Nutrition

Who doesn’t love peanut butter? Whether you prefer the creamy or crunchy variety, it is that unmistakable nutty taste that lingers, making it one of the world’s most favourite health foods. Of course, we cannot ignore the high nutritional value of vegan peanut butter.

For that instant boost of energy and a good dose of healthy protein, this is one food that is a must-have in your diet.

How Is Peanut Butter Made?

Peanut butter is made with perfectly roasted peanuts that are ground to different consistencies. You get both crunchy and creamy varieties, depending on your preferences. If you are someone who enjoys small chunks of peanuts with every bite, then the crunchy variety is for you. For those who love a smooth, easy-to-spread variety, the creamy version works best.

Primary Nutrients in Peanut Butter

Peanuts have always been the go-to food when you want to ease those hunger pangs or need instant energy. Peanut butter gives you the goodness of all the nutrients that this humble nut is loaded with:

Health Benefits of Eating Peanut Butter

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Being so rich in its nutritional value, it is no surprise that peanut butter also gives you many health benefits:

bGREEN brings to you a 100% vegan peanut butter that is one of the best options if you are looking for a product that is low in fats, sugar, and salt. Spread it on your toast or add a dollop to your smoothie and enjoy the endless benefits of this blissful food.

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