The Different Types of Manufacturing Processes That Are Used Today

The Different Types of Manufacturing Processes That Are Used Today

Are you entering the world of manufacturing? First, you need to understand manufacturing processes and how they influence production.

What is a manufacturing process? It’s when a business takes raw materials and turns them into products.

There are many types of manufacturing processes. If you’re looking for inspiration for your own business, you should take the time to learn about them.

This post will discuss a few standard manufacturing processes in use today. Are you keen to understand how companies complete the product development lifecycle? Then keep reading!

Repetitive and Discreet Manufacturing

The processes of repetitive and discreet manufacturing work on assembly line technology.

Repetitive is a rapid manufacturing process. The company creates products on the assembly line 24/7. Automotive, electronics, and durable consumer goods use repetitive manufacturing.

These industries are all stable and predictable. In this case, repetitive manufacturing makes the most sense.

Discreet manufacturing is a similar process. The difference is greater diversity in the type of products created. When the product models need switching, so does the assembly line configuration.

Discreet manufacturing has higher setup costs. It requires more labor changeover, setup, and resources. Only then can you produce the various products on the assembly line.

Job Shop Manufacturing

Job shop manufacturing uses workshops and stations rather than assembly lines. The product will start at one station, move to the next station for more work, and so on. It’s a more customized manufacturing process and much more methodical.

You need workers trained in producing specific products or undertaking complex processes.

Job shop manufacturing helps construct fighter jets, rockets, and other aerospace products. It’s also used in the construction of low-technology items like furniture.

Continuous Process Manufacturing

Continuous process manufacturing is very like repetitive manufacturing. The big difference is the raw materials used. Instead of solid-state components, it uses gases, liquids, and powders.

The pharmaceutical, industrial gas, and fertilizer production use continuous process manufacturing.

Batch Process Manufacturing

Batch process manufacturing is more like discreet manufacturing. It makes a specific amount of a product.

When completed, the process stops. Then workers clean machinery, and the factory sets up for a new project.

The batches are dependent on each customer’s needs. Also, materials used are usually more in-line with continuous process manufacturing (liquids, gases, etc.).

Batch process manufacturing makes heavy use of manufacturing software. This helps schedule manufacturing times, cleaning times, and when to produce a product. It makes things much simpler for the factory managers and the workers on assembly lines.

Understanding Different Types of Manufacturing Processes

These are the five main types of manufacturing processes. Many people consider rapid prototyping with 3D printers the unofficial 6th type. Either way, your company’s products will dictate which manufacturing process you’ll use.

Even if you’re set in one type of manufacturing, it’s good to learn and understand each process. That way, you can always maximize the efficiency of your business.

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